The BioQUEST version is a limited version of the Extend simulation application (see below for a list of limitations). Extend is a general-purpose simulation application for the Macintosh. Extend uses an iconic modeling system, so that models are constructed by placing "blocks" on model worksheets, then connecting them together. Extensive libraries of blocks are included with the Extend program. You can also build custom blocks using Extend's equation editor, hierarchical feature, or built-in language.
Extend is used in many fields, such as business, science, engineering, and manufacturing.
BioQUEST version limitations:
•You are limited to 25 blocks on a model.
•You cannot create new libraries of blocks (the components of a model) with the BioQUEST version. You must get the full version of Extend to create new libraries of blocks or to edit existing blocks. For information about Extend's ModL programming language, see the Help topics.
See the other help topics for more information about using Extend, but note the above limitations.
List Price: Extend is $695.00; Extend+Manufacturing is $990.00.
Educational price: Extend is $350.00; Extend+Manufacturing is $476.00.
For multiple copy, lab, or departmental licensing, please call or write us.
For more information about Extend, please contact:
Imagine That, Inc.
6830 Via Del Oro, Suite 230
San Jose, CA 95119 USA
(408) 365-0305
FAX: (408) 629-1251
Extend and Imagine That! are trademarks of Imagine That, Inc.